Grantee Resources

The Foundation works to provide excellent service to every grantee and ensure compliance for each grant. Foundation Grant funding is distributed via ACH Direct Deposit only, according to the terms identified in your grant agreement.

Reporting Requirements

The Foundation requires reporting for all grants as specified in the grant agreement. These reporting forms include a Preliminary Report and a Final Report. Please note that future grant requests will not be considered if a grantee has failed to submit a required report.

The report form(s) associated with your grant may be accessed by your organization’s grant applicant within the Foundation’s grant management platform, WizeHive Zengine. To designate another in your organization to submit your report(s) via the Foundation’s grant management platform, please contact the Foundation’s Grant Program Manager at

The Foundation may designate an independent party to conduct formal evaluations of any project/program. The Foundation also asks grantees to respond to requests for virtual or in-person site visits and/or provide a short impact video.

If you encounter challenges that could prevent you from completing your awarded grant program on time, please contact the Foundation’s Grant Program Manager at to discuss a possible path forward.

Acknowledgement of Grant Support

Acknowledge the Foundation’s support of your program in print and electronic publications such as newsletters, program activity announcements, your website and in all media coverage. Use the following wording: “This project/program is funded, (or in part) with funds provided by The Jack and Jill of America Foundation” and Foundation logo. Any listing of this grant in grantee’s annual report or donors list should specify the name of the philanthropic focus area:  Education; Health and Wellness; or African American Families “Our Village”.